The Lone Hunt Page 17
“What would that be?” Becca had been an investigative reporter for six years and was well used to the give-and-take game.
“I want to talk to my unit leader alone. And I want your word that when you write this story, you keep our identities secret.”
“I can promise you the first,” Becca said. “But I can’t promise there will be no mention of your organization in my report. I don’t reveal my sources and your name won’t be mentioned.”
“I guess that has to be good enough.”
“One last question—how many more of these labs are out there?”
He grimaced. “Best guess? Three.”
“I’ll see what I can do about getting you a phone.” Becca stood, her heart sinking. Three more labs and how many more young human and Were captives being tortured?
Michel watched the monitor as Sylvan and her cadre—her Prima, her second, a centuri, and the last, a young female—paused in front of the club’s entrance. Michel studied Katya’s face, the taste of her swirling through her mind.
“Well,” Francesca said, stroking Michel’s back as she stood beside her, studying the group. “Sylvan has come in force tonight.”
“A challenge in itself,” Michel murmured. “You should greet her formally.”
“Mmm, yes.” Francesca stroked the monitor over Sylvan’s face. “Arrange it. I must change.”
“Yes, Regent.”
“And let them wait.” Francesca caressed Michel’s chest. “We are not at the beck and call of the Weres. Besides, they may enjoy the club—some of them, at least.”
“I’ll alert the guards to wait in the throne room.” Michel kept her gaze on Katya, whose eyes glinted even in the flat gray of the monitor. “In the meantime, I’ll go upstairs and greet our guests.”
“Make them comfortable.” Francesca laughed. “And tell them I’ll see them as soon as I’ve completed my current business.”
As soon as Francesca slipped into her bedroom, Michel signaled Antoine, one of Francesca’s bodyguards.
“Yes, Senechal?” the androgynously handsome blond Vampire inquired. His silver eyes were set off by the merest hint of kohl beneath his lashes.
“I want you, Daphne, and Jerome in the throne room. We will have an audience with Weres shortly.”
Antoine nodded. “Yes, Senechal.”
Michel left him and climbed the winding staircase to Nocturne. She entered through a private door in the rear of the club and wended her way through the seething throngs toward the main entrance. The blood and sex that filled the air held no interest for her. What she wanted waited just inside the main entrance, where Sylvan and her wolves stood in a semicircle. Michel approached Sylvan, carefully not looking at Katya, but her blood simmered at the young Were’s nearness. “Alpha Mir. What a pleasant surprise.”
“I’d like to see Francesca,” Sylvan said.
“Of course,” Michel replied smoothly. “The Regent is in the midst of a meeting right now. If you’d care to have a drink and”—Michel swept an arm toward the depths of the room behind her—“avail yourselves of whatever else you might like…” Niki snarled, and Michel flicked a glance in her direction. She smiled. “Completely voluntarily, of course.”
“Hospitable as always,” Sylvan murmured.
Michel tipped her head. “We are always happy to entertain our friends.”
“We’re not here for a social visit,” Niki snarled.
“Ah, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your wait, should it?” Before Niki could reply, Michel misted into the shadows. Bloodlust simmered in her depths as she watched Katya with the centuri move off into the crowd. Sylvan had sent them hunting. Bold of the Were, but fortunate for her. She called to Katya, a silent caress in the dark, and saw her stop, gaze around, her eyes feverish. Michel slid deeper into the dark recesses of the club. Come to me, blood of my blood.
She shuddered, her throat flooding with feeding hormones, and waited as Katya slipped away from her keeper and answered.
Chapter Twenty
Raina dropped onto the big male’s back, digging into his hide with the claws of all four limbs. She was one of the biggest cats in all of North America, but he was bigger still. She sank her teeth into his neck, hoping to draw his attention away from Lara. She didn’t want to kill him, but if she didn’t, he would very likely kill one of them. Her jaws were opened wide, her long razor-sharp canines slicing through muscle and tendon, but he was so strong, so powerful, she needed all her strength and agility just to keep her mount on his back. He roared and thrashed, and she could not bite deep enough to reach the vessels in his throat.
All the same, she hurt him sufficiently to pull his focus away from Lara long enough for Lara to shake off the other two cats. Lara was slowing down, though. The ground around her was drenched in crimson, and she was dragging her injured leg. The remaining female cat lashed out at Lara, opening a gash in her shoulder, but Lara, even injured, was still faster. She darted beneath the slashing front leg of the cat Were and ripped through the cat’s soft underbelly with her own claws. Blood and viscera exploded, and the cat screamed in agony. Lara clamped down on her throat, and the cat went down and lay still.
Now the odds were even. Two male cat Weres against a wolf and an Alpha female cat. Time to stand and fight. Raina gathered her legs beneath her and launched herself off the bigger cat’s back, landing with a twist so she could face him again. Lara was beside her instantly, and they pressed shoulder to shoulder as the two males circled them.
How badly are you hurt? Raina asked.
I can fight.
Raina heard the strain beneath the wolf’s bravado, and rage poured through her chest like acid. These cats had hurt Lara, and she wanted them dead. Let’s take the smaller one first—if we strike together we can kill him quickly. By then your Vampire friends should be here to collect the last one.
I never said…they were my friends. Lara panted, her breath harsh rasps. We’ll have to be quick or…we’ll expose our flanks to the big one.
Raina wasn’t sure Lara had enough strength left to protect herself in a close-in fight. She’d have to take him alone. I’ll distract them, you draw the smaller one away, and I’ll sweep his flank.
My pleasure.
Raina streaked for cover in the thick underbrush, and both males focused on her path into the forest. They wanted the cat, not the wolf who was more a nuisance than a threat. Time for her later. The moment they changed direction, Lara growled and charged the smaller one. He was twice her size, but he wasn’t used to fighting an adversary who waged a war of attrition. She darted in and out, nipping and clawing, not doing much damage with a single strike, but drawing blood each time and infuriating him. He roared in anger and frustration, whirling from side to side, trying to keep her in sight. Several times he charged, but she wasn’t where he ended up. When he swung around for the third time, Raina struck from the underbrush. She cut beneath his great head and slashed his throat open, her canines ripping through arteries and veins and severing his windpipe. He dropped, the light fading from his eyes as his blood poured out.
Raina whipped around, getting between Lara and the last cat. The leader—the one they wanted to capture. The one she wanted dead. She made short, quick runs at him, forcing him to concentrate on her. Each time she struck at his throat, he deflected her with lethal swipes of his huge paws. Several blows caught her before she could twist away, and her pelt was soon streaked with rivulets of blood.
We can’t wait any longer, Raina signaled. He’ll take one of us down before long.
We just need to hold him off a while longer. Mount him again and I’ll—
The male sprang over Raina and caught Lara by the throat. She twisted and clawed at him, but he dragged her down. Screaming in rage, Raina charged him and buried her claws in his shoulder. Lara was limp in his jaws. Raina rolled beneath him and slashed at his belly. She opened a two-foot gash along his side and he dropped Lara. Roaring, he swung in a half c
ircle, trying to bite Raina’s throat. Lara lay limp on the ground.
Raina sprang away, but she couldn’t leave Lara helpless. She crouched, shielding Lara and giving him a target. He gathered his powerful haunches and lunged. His body arched into the air, a beautiful, lethal missile.
Becca left Martin’s cell, and Claude escorted her through the prison tunnel and out onto the Compound courtyard. None of the Rovers were in sight. Max, one of Sylvan’s centuri, stood guard by the front door of Sylvan’s headquarters, and Becca crossed to him. “Have you heard anything?”
“The Alpha and the others have just reached Nocturne,” the burly, craggy-faced Were said. “Lara and the others have not reported in.”
Becca looked out over the darkened Compound. The flames flickered low in the fire pits, glowing coals banked against the night’s damp. Beyond their small circle of light, the mountains loomed black and foreboding. She’d nearly lost Jody on the last hunt. Now they were blood-bound, and without Jody she wasn’t sure she could live, even if she’d wanted to. Jody was part of her now, as essential as breathing. Becca shook off the dark anxiety burrowing into her thoughts. Jody had always been strong, but now that she’d Risen, she was even stronger. She would come back to her soon, and until she did, there was work to be done.
She said to Max, “The prisoner wants to put in a call to his unit leader. I think we’ll be able to get some names from him. Possibly even an identification.”
“Do you have an untraceable cell phone?”
Max hesitated. “The Alpha should be the one to decide.”
God, dealing with Weres was like dealing with the US Army—all protocol and chain of command. “I’ll take responsibility.”
Max’s lip curled ever so slightly. Amusement or disdain, she couldn’t tell. Becca smiled, wondering if he was fooled by her outward calm or if he could scent her temper. Jody always knew what she was feeling, no matter how well she hid it. But then, Jody had been under her skin since the moment they’d met. Under her skin, in her head, in her heart. Where was she?
“He says there are other facilities,” Becca said. “The Alpha asked me to interview him because she trusted me to get the information she needs. I don’t think we should waste time.”
Max’s jaw set in a stubborn line. “I’ll discuss it with the Alpha as soon as she—” He cocked his head, listening, his eyes narrowing.
“What is it? Max?”
He swiveled toward the far side of the courtyard. Two wolves soared over the twelve-foot fence and landed in the center of the Compound.
Max smiled. “Jace and Dasha.”
The air around the wolves shimmered and Dasha and Jace stood, sweat-dampened skin gleaming in the firelight. They strode toward headquarters and Max ducked inside. He reemerged a few seconds later and tossed them clothes as they leapt onto the porch.
“What happened?” Becca asked. “Where are the others?”
“We left them to draw some of the cats away,” Dasha said, pulling on jeans. “Four or five of them came after us, but we lost them in the hills. The others went north to engage the other cats. We haven’t heard from them.”
Jace said, “We’re going to grab a Rover and go after them.”
“I want to go with you,” Becca said.
Claude appeared out of the shadows. “No. The Liege would want you to stay here where it’s safe.”
Becca shot him a stony glance. “The Liege isn’t here. And I’m going.”
“Let’s not waste any time, then,” Dasha said.
Becca followed the two Weres across the Compound. Claude was at the Rover before her and opened the rear door for her. She touched his arm. “Thanks.”
He just sighed and climbed in beside her.
Dasha got behind the wheel, and Jace turned to them from the shotgun seat. “Hold on. We’re going off-road.”
“I don’t care how we get there,” Becca said. “Just find them.”
Raina waited. When the big cat arched above her, front legs extended, claws ready for the strike, she jumped and crashed into his chest with the full force of her flying body. They tumbled to the ground in a roiling mass of churning limbs and snarls. His teeth sank into her shoulder, she slashed at his throat. Slaying rage emptied her mind of everything but the kill. Kill. Her kill.
Then the pain struck, a burning ice pick piercing her skull, and she fell.
Wake up, little Cat.
Raina shuddered and whined.
You fought well. The pain will pass.
Raina returned to awareness lying naked on a bed of pine needles. Dried blood streaked her belly and limbs. The Vampire and the human stood over her.
“How bad are your injuries?” Jody asked. “The pain in your head is the aftereffect of a forced thrall. It will fade.”
“Nothing that won’t heal when I shift again,” Raina said, getting slowly to her feet. “Lara! Is she—”
“Alive.” Zahn gestured toward the forest behind them. Lara, naked and seemingly unconscious, leaned against the trunk of a pine. Her arms were limp by her sides and her skin paper white. The male cat, naked like her, lay on his stomach, his wrists shackled behind his back with silver cuffs.
“What took you so long?” Raina started toward Lara.
“We caught the trail of another cadre of cats in pursuit of Dasha and Jace. We had to secure their rear,” Jody said.
Raina only half listened. They’d gotten what they’d come for—although she hadn’t gotten her kill. Yet. “I need to see to Lara.”
“She needs blood,” Zahn said. “I’ll take care of her.”
Raina growled softly. “She’s badly hurt. I can give her more blood than a human. I’ll see to her.”
Zahn studied her for a long moment. “As you wish. Alpha.” She inclined her head slightly and turned her back. “I’ll stand guard.”
Raina didn’t thank her. Lara wasn’t Zahn’s. She crossed the clearing and crouched next to Lara. Her left thigh was torn open from hip to knee, muscle shredded, bone exposed. A slash across her abdomen nearly penetrated through to vital organs, and the ribs beneath her right breast were misshapen. Broken. A trickle of blood ran from the corner of her mouth down her neck. Her breathing was shallow and rasping. Blood in her lungs.
“Lara,” Raina murmured. She caressed her cheek. “Wolf?”
Lara stirred and opened her eyes. “You win?”
“We won.” Raina stroked her bare shoulder. “You need to shift. You’ll heal faster then.” She ran her fingers through Lara’s hair. Her own were shaking. She’d seen cats die from injuries less serious than these. A choking fear like none she’d ever known squeezed the breath from her chest. “Please. Lara. You need to shift.”
Lara focused on Raina, her amber eyes clouded with pain. “I tried. I can’t.”
Raina’s gut clenched. If Lara couldn’t shift—“Why not?”
“Blood. Lost too much blood…not strong enough.”
Relief made Raina’s head spin. She knelt on the ground and raised Lara with an arm around her shoulders until Lara’s head rested on her shoulder. She cupped the back of Lara’s neck and drew Lara’s mouth to her neck. “Take. Drink.”
“No,” Lara groaned, her body shuddering with need.
“Take me.”
Heat exploded in Raina’s throat and scorched through her chest. Pain, pleasure, unbearable need doubled her over. Lara’s breasts molded to hers, Lara’s nipples two burning stones. Raina’s belly spasmed and she cried out. Lara’s arm came around her waist, a steel band holding her to the curve of Lara’s body. Another surge of heat struck lower in her belly, and she came in a hot flood. Her legs deserted her and she fell with Lara on top of her. The pain disappeared. Only aching pleasure remained. She came again. She heard Lara moan, felt the thrust of Lara’s hips between her legs, felt the hot wash of Lara’s release anoint her belly and thighs.
Lara fed and Raina whimpered softly. Lara swallowed
, the sweet nectar restoring her strength, filling her with power. She growled, wild with hunger and lust.
More. Want more.
Yes. More.
Lara fed until Raina’s blood, more potent than any she’d ever had, banished her agony. She eased her canines from Raina’s throat and licked the wounds closed. Panting, she lay on Raina, their bodies slick with sweat and blood and victus. She kissed Raina’s throat, her jaw, her mouth. “Thank you.”
Raina’s hand fisted in Lara’s hair, pulling her head back. Raina’s canines scraped along Lara’s throat, and then a lancing pain burned in her shoulder as Raina bit her. Forced into a furious orgasm, Lara threw back her head and roared.
Chapter Twenty-one
Michel slipped deeper into the shadows in the far corner of the club, every sense focused on her prey. Every other heartbeat faded. Only Katya’s teased through her mind. Only Katya’s scent fueled the hunger in her blood. A few feet away, Vampires fed from their frenzied hosts, unaware of her. But their hunger, their lust, their desperate need to fuck and feed until some semblance of life seeped into their tortured flesh hung like a decadent cloud in the air. The teeming mass of bodies blocked Katya from her view, but she felt her drawing near. Her senses, her sex, her every cell pulsed with power—the power she’d absorbed from Katya’s potent Were blood, the same power she now used to compel Katya’s return. Sylvan or the redheaded Were who was undoubtedly responsible for protecting Katya would notice her absence soon. She wouldn’t have much time. But she didn’t need much time.
Katya slipped through the slices of amber light cast by the hidden spots, the slanting beams illuminating the carved angles of her cheekbones, the straight line of her nose, the curve of her chin. She smelled like life, rich and pure. Her essence taunted Michel with promises of eternity, if only she drank her fill. Katya was young and strong, as strong as she was fragile. Michel’s throat tightened and feeding hormones flooded her system. She was starving. None of the hosts she’d had earlier had so much as blunted her hunger. Her head swam with need so painful she trembled.