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The Lone Hunt Page 9
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Page 9
“Yes, Prima.” He ducked his head to Niki. “Imperator.”
Niki stepped around Raina and Drake and surveyed the long, quiet hallway. Another sentrie, a young female, came to attention at the far end near the exit. Niki growled, “Keep this hallway clear. No visitors until I say so.”
“Yes, Imperator,” both sentries replied.
Drake said to Niki, “Wait outside the care unit. Too many wolves in the room will frighten the cubs.”
Niki snarled silently but marched ahead of them to the last door and took up a station next to it. “I’ll be right outside. If you need me—”
“We’ll be fine.” Drake brushed Niki’s jaw with her knuckles, a silent acknowledgment of Niki’s loyalty. Niki was bonded to Sylvan in a way she never would be to Drake, but she still needed the connection to Drake, the Pack’s Prima. “Thank you. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have looking out for Sylvan’s young.”
“No thanks are needed,” Niki said gruffly.
Drake gripped the knob and said to Raina, “I’ll need to stay with you.”
“I understand.” Raina smiled grimly. “Lara? Where is she?”
“At headquarters, I believe.”
“She is an enforcer?”
Drake considered what she might say without breaching security. “Lara is an ally of the Pack. And a friend.”
“She is more than wolf.”
“She promised to stand for my cubs.”
Drake sighed. “I hope that won’t become necessary. Come on. Let’s go see them.”
Sylvan bounded over the railing at headquarters into the center of the Compound, and leapt onto the porch of the infirmary with one powerful lunge. She could smell her mate, sense the life force of her young, and feel the weight of the protective mantle of the Pack surrounding them all. But under the pulse of the familiar beat an undercurrent of something foreign—something dangerous. Foreign hormones, foreign power. Cat. Her wolf didn’t care about politics or alliances or treaties or war. Her wolf knew only her devotion to Pack and mate, her need to protect all she loved with her last breath. This cat was too close to her den, too close to her mate, too close to everything she was sworn to protect. Sylvan’s pelt pushed at the undersurface of her skin as her wolf pushed for ascendency. The sentrie on the infirmary door stepped aside, and Sylvan strode to the treatment room and glanced in. Elena turned, a question in her eyes.
“Where are they?” Sylvan rumbled. Drake should have been here. The cat had been here, she could smell her.
“The nursery.”
“By whose permission?”
“The Prima, Alpha. She took Raina—the cat—to see her cubs.”
Sylvan’s vision morphed to monochrome and her wolf looked out, searching for prey. “Where is Niki?”
Elena shuddered under the onslaught of Sylvan’s fury. She gripped the counter behind her, her eyes lowered. “She went with them…Alpha…I—”
“Never mind,” Sylvan roared, spinning around and bounding down the hall to the nursery wing. A sentrie jumped out of her way as she shoved through, a soft whimper escaping him. Niki stood blocking a door halfway down the corridor. Sylvan leapt to her side. “Where are they?”
“Inside, Alpha. The Prima—”
Sylvan gripped Niki’s shoulder, her extended claws breaking skin. “Why is Drake alone with her?”
Niki’s pelt flared and her canines extruded, but she kept her eyes at the level of Sylvan’s jaw. Her wolf bristled at the physical onslaught, but she would not challenge the Alpha’s might. “The Prima instructed me to wait outside.”
“You know I don’t want her alone with that cat. What’s wrong with you, Imperator?”
Niki’s chin shot up. “She is my Prima. I obey her orders in your stead.”
Sylvan threw back her head and howled. Niki was right, but she didn’t care. Drake could be in danger. She half-shifted, her jaw elongating, her pelt thickening on her torso, her hands tipped with lethal claws. “Stand. Aside.”
Shivering in the wash of the Alpha’s power, Niki backed against the door. Her legs trembled and her stomach cramped with the effort of standing in the wake of the Alpha’s wrath. But her mate was inside. “Sophia is with them. Alpha, she is innocent. I am responsible.”
Sylvan thrust her face close to Niki’s, her eyes flaring gold. Her voice was gravel on stone. “Don’t you think I know that? You think I would harm Sophia?”
“I don’t know,” Niki whispered, sweat running in rivulets down her face. She couldn’t fight Sylvan’s call any longer. Whining softly, she tilted her head, exposed her throat.
Niki’s submission calmed Sylvan’s wolf, and she drew a breath, the haze clearing enough for her to think. Sliding a hand to the back of Niki’s neck, she squeezed and rested her forehead on Niki’s. “Your mate is safe with me. I trust you to keep mine safe. I need you, Niki.”
Groaning, Niki pressed against Sylvan, her naked torso hot against Sylvan’s. Her skin was slick with stress pheromones, her body vibrating with tension and sex. “I swear on my life I will protect her.”
Sylvan rubbed her cheek against Niki’s hair. “I know. I thank you.” Sylvan dragged her wolf back from the edge of frenzy and shivered, waiting until the heat of temper cooled enough for her to contain her fury. She eased Niki back. “Let me pass.”
Veronica stood with her back to the long, polished onyx bar, sipping a glass of champagne and taking in the scene in the cavernous room, trying her best to contain her excitement, to maintain the façade of nonchalance, while all the while, her body heated with piercing arousal. In contrast to the bleak exterior, Nocturne was surprisingly opulent inside. Broad leather couches and chairs wide enough to accommodate two or more individuals defined seating areas interspersed between massive brick columns, giving an aura of privacy. Muted light pierced the murky darkness from cleverly directed spots tucked into the recesses between the labyrinth of heating ducts and pipes that crisscrossed the ceiling. She didn’t need the subtle illumination to make everything happening before her sharply visible. Even if she hadn’t been able to see clearly, she would have had no doubt about the activities.
Despite the background music that thrummed like the heart of a great beast, the sounds of erotic pleasure were unmistakable. Ecstatic groans, orgasmic cries, and low breathless pleas for release surrounded her. Her skin prickled as if iced, but she was hot, burning on the inside. Pheromones, her mind registered.
She was breathing in the chemicals released from dozens of Weres in the throes of sex frenzy as they fell willing prey to their Vampire hosts. Her nipples were tight, her pussy throbbing, her clitoris so tight she thought she might orgasm with the faintest brush of tongue or fingers. The pulse in her throat beat demandingly beneath her skin. The memory of Luce’s bite was nearly enough to set her off. Her hand trembled, and she feared she might spill the champagne. Turning casually, she carefully set the glass onto the gleaming bar. “What happens when you want to feed?”
Luce ran her fingertips over the soft skin above the collar of Veronica’s pale silk shirt, lingering over the column of blood that raced along her throat. Her incisors ached with the need to drink her, but she held off, waiting for instructions. She knew better than to feed from her here without the Regent’s permission. “When I see someone I want, I take them.”
Veronica turned, gave Luce a hard stare. Luce’s arrogance was just the antidote she needed to the overwhelming crush of Vampire thrall infusing the air. “Really? Just that easy? And what if they decline?”
Luce smiled. “They rarely do. Why else would they be here?”
Veronica skimmed the edge of Luce’s perfect jaw and kissed her. Luce was beautiful, sexy and alluring, and Veronica loved the hunger in her eyes. Hunger for her, a taste she intended to cultivate by making her wait. “Well, I can’t imagine anyone turning you down.”
Luce cupped Veronica’s breast and brushed her thumb over the promi
nence of her nipple through the layers of silk.
Caught off guard, Veronica moaned but caught Luce’s hand and pulled it to her waist. “Not yet, darling.”
“No? Are you certain?” Luce kissed the pale triangle exposed by Veronica’s open shirt. “I can taste the desire on your skin.”
Veronica drew a shaky breath. “Are you sure that’s not your hunger you taste?”
Luce laughed and leaned back against the bar, breaking all contact. “Feeding will be all the sweeter for the waiting.”
Veronica’s head swirled with the scent and sound of sensual pleasure. Luce’s teasing had her body humming with excitement. “Tell me—”
Beside her Luce straightened, her attention diverted from Veronica by a pair of approaching Vampires. They might have been brother and sister, they were so alike in their beauty and their bearing. Both with thick, wavy dark hair, both dressed in formfitting black shirts with loose billowing sleeves, tailored black pants, and polished black leather boots. Ivory complexions, dark arching brows, aquiline noses, and full elegant mouths. They were elegant predators who moved with the sensuous grace of dancers. Both above-average height, the woman had full breasts, a narrow waist, and subtly flaring hips. He was slim, nearly delicate, but his stride and taut physique suggested hidden strength and masculine power.
“Who are they?” Veronica asked, having no doubt they were coming to join them.
“Daniela and Henry,” Luce murmured. “The Regent’s handmaiden and a favorite of her court.”
“Did she send them?”
Luce considered her answer and then felt a mental pull from the shadows. Michel emerged from the dark on the far side of the room, out of Veronica’s line of sight.
Give her what she wants, but see that she comes to no harm.
“Yes,” Luce murmured, nodding to the others. “It seems the Regent wants to be sure you enjoy yourself.”
The Vampires stopped in front of her, and the male took her hand, brushing his mouth over the tops of her fingers. “Good evening. I’m Henry.”
Daniela leaned close, her breasts brushing Veronica’s arm, and kissed her cheek. Her lips were cool and soft. Her mouth lingered against Veronica’s ear. “I’m Daniela.”
Veronica fought the haze of lust rapidly consuming her. She wasn’t foolish enough to forget she was surrounded by animals who ensnared their prey with sexual thrall. She intended to take her pleasure with them, but on her terms. She was not the plaything they were used to. She was stronger than that. She caressed Daniela’s cheek and let her hand drift lower until her fingers slipped inside the dark silk to her breasts, while pressing against Henry, kissing him on the mouth. His cock went hard against her abdomen. She let her tongue play over the surface of his incisors until he hissed softly. Daniela leaned closer, pushing her breast into Veronica’s hand.
Veronica pulled back and turned to Luce. “Take us somewhere I can enjoy these two.”
“I can show you to a private room,” Luce said.
“Good,” Veronica said. “And I want you with me, darling. I promised I would feed you.”
Fire leapt in Luce’s eyes and her lips drew back into a feral smile. “Come with me.”
Chapter Eleven
The wolf Prima held the door open, and Raina stopped just inside the room and quickly assessed the space where they’d put her cubs. Fifteen feet square, plain whitewashed walls, wide unpainted plank floors, small windows near the ceiling. The single-paned windows weren’t so small a cat in pelt couldn’t get through, but easily defensible if an attack came from the outside. A counter ran along the back wall, stacked with supplies. A rocking chair, still gently moving, sat next to a big rectangular box with solid wood sides, rough-hewn timber legs, and wheels. A simple portable crib. The cubs must have scented her while she was still in the hall—they both stood with their paws on the top edge of the crib, yowling indignantly. Two sets of deep green eyes fixed on her as if she were the only one in the room.
The blond wolf medic, Sophia, stood a few feet away, an indulgent smile on her face. She glanced at Raina with more friendliness than anyone in the wolf stronghold had yet afforded her. “I’m pretty sure they’re hungry.”
“They are,” Raina murmured.
“I offered them milk but they didn’t want a bottle.”
“They won’t take food from a stranger.” Still, Raina remained motionless. Hers were the only young in the room. She’d promised the wolf Prima she wouldn’t endanger any wolf pups, but she’d never promised she wouldn’t do whatever she needed to safeguard hers. Her cubs waited for a sign from her. They both looked unharmed, strong and sturdy, even though they quivered with anxiety over the strangeness of the place and her absence.
Tessa, as usual, was louder and more demanding to be freed from her confinement. As large as her brother, she was also turning out to be more dominant. She’d been the first to explore the boundaries of the small cave where Raina had hidden them. She’d been the first to show stalking behavior. And she rarely ended up on her back when the two of them play-fought. Eli was more deliberate, content to stay in one place while Raina was out hunting. Even now, he was watchful and wary. One day, Tessa would be the Alpha and Eli would prove to be her irreplaceable general, calm and steady and ever loyal.
Beside her, the wolf Prima said softly, “Is there something you need for them? Something we can help you with?”
Raina studied her, seeing only genuine concern in her eyes. “Why do you care what happens to a pair of cubs?”
“Whatever you’ve heard about us, you should withhold judgment until experience proves the truth.”
“Can I expect the same of you?” Raina slid her hand over the lingering burns on her neck from the silver-impregnated restraining collar.
“I won’t pretend we are merciful with those who threaten our Pack,” Drake said, “but one thing I can promise you—the Alpha will be fair.”
“Then she is rare indeed.”
Raina wasn’t ready to let down her guard, even if so far they had treated her better than a wolf taken captive in cat territory would have been treated. Cat troopers would have tortured a prisoner for information and, when no more was forthcoming, executed them. Still, she would be a fool to trust any wolf, and she would take whatever opportunity she had to escape with the cubs. “Let me hold them and I’ll call them to skin. They’re old enough now to share in a kill, but I have not been able to hunt for them.”
“Will they eat what we hunt?” Drake asked. “We often take our pups with us when we hunt—to teach them the scent of prey and the order of the kill. We could take the cubs too.”
“I don’t know if they’d share your prey,” Raina said, surprised again. “If I were there when the kill was offered, they might.”
“I can’t promise you that. You’d have to be guarded, possibly chained, for security while we hunted.”
“And who will look after the cubs when they’re surrounded by wolves?” Raina challenged Drake with a look. “Some of your wolves would see us dead just for being cats.”
“The cubs will need to eat. If we take them on a hunt, we can assign someone to look after them”—she shook her head at Sophia when Sophia started to speak—“but not one of our medics. They might be needed elsewhere.”
“You expect a fight, then?” Raina asked.
Drake raised a brow. “What do you know of the recent attacks on us?”
“Not much,” Raina said. “I’ve been in hiding for almost two weeks.”
“That’s something I’d rather tell your Alpha.”
“Of course,” Drake said, knowing Raina would hold back any information she might be able to bargain with until she met with Sylvan. “You should see to your cubs.”
Sophia pushed a wooden stool next to the crib. “Sit here.”
Raina lifted the cubs by the scruff, one in each hand, and sat, securing them in the curve of her arm. The two of them squirmed and fusse
d, trying to climb over each other in their bid for attention. She brushed her cheek over their blocky heads, closing her eyes at the exquisite softness of the deep golden fur. She waited while their heartbeats settled into rhythm with hers, faster, but with the same cadence. When their physical and spiritual connection with her deepened, she extended her power to them, calling their life forces to shift. As she expected, Tessa, ever the leader, shifted first. Eli followed a second later, and she heard a small gasp from across the room. The medic watched intently, a look of almost sadness in her eyes.
“They’re beautiful,” Sophia murmured, handing Raina a blanket. “I’ve never seen hair that color.”
“Cat cubs are almost always golden haired like this. Some will darken to brown as they grow.” Raina wrapped the twins in the warm blanket. When she tried to ease Tessa against her to feed, Tessa struggled. Like a true Alpha, she wanted Eli to eat first. “Don’t worry, I won’t forget about him.”
Raina settled Tessa and brushed her fingers over Eli’s soft halo of sunlit hair. His blue-green eyes fixed on her face, calm and steady, unafraid, and she could see the Were he would one day be. Valiant, brave, a stalwart second to his sister. If he lived. The protective urge exploded in Raina’s chest, bringing her cat to her feet, wary and alert. Her skin prickled and she searched the room for danger. Not the medic. Not the wolf Prima. They were no threat, but a threat was nearing. She growled.
Drake’s head came up and she glanced at the door. “Sylvan is coming.”
Sophia hurried to stand between Raina and the door.
“No,” Drake said. “Give her space. Stay on the far side of the room.”
Raina rumbled softly. A dominant predator was on the hunt. Her canines punched down, her pelt streaked beneath her skin, and the urge to shift, to fight, was an ache in her bones.
“Raina,” Drake said firmly, “don’t challenge. She’s not going to hurt you.”
Tessa fretted, sensing the danger, and Raina moved the twins to the other arm, leaving her stronger arm free to fight if she had to. If only she’d had a little more time to heal and be sure they were strong enough, she could have shifted and fought her way to the window. But she had run out of time. Her cat crouched, ready to spring, to defend. “I’ll submit.”